What does the program entail?

  • Individual Dialectical Behavior Therapy on a weekly basis depending on patient’s symptoms severity.
  • Phone coaching, included in the individual psychotherapy price. Your individual psychologist will also be the one providing the phone coaching.

How long does the program last?

  • Our program lasts about 6 months

DBT is an evidence based form of psychotherapy that has been consistently shown in clinical research studies to:

  • Decrease impulsivity
  • Improve ability to manage emotions and emotional crises
  • Improve interpersonal relationships
  • Decrease self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors
  • Reduce hospitalizations

People who benefit from DBT include those with eating disorders, depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, mood instability and relationship difficulties.

For more information on DBT & RODBT,

reach out to us at (561) 666-8720 or contact@drcelinepaillot.com